
Geographic Place, Date/time, and Pattern entity extraction toolkit along with text extraction from unstructured data and GIS outputters.

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OpenSextant Xponents: Example Processing Apps

The complete set of command line demos includes:

      gazetteer  -- Gazetteer queries and experiments.
      xcoord     -- XCoord coordinate extraction tests
      geocoder   -- Geotagging and Geocoding
      geotemp    -- Geotagging and temporal extraction, with XText conversion of files.
      xtax       -- Keyword tagger, e.g., tagging for taxonomic word lists or other catalogs
      poli       -- Pattern-based extraction
      xtemp      -- Temporal extraction tests
      xtext      -- XText demonstration - crawl and convert (files to text) local folders
      web-crawl  -- Content crawl and convert. Advanced XText demo, e.g., feed convert and extraction pipeline.
      social-geo -- Social geo-inferencing on tweets (for now. Other data types later).
        ./script/xponents-demo.sh   help                -- this menu above
        ./script/xponents-demo.sh   <APP> help          -- help for the app
        ./script/xponents-demo.sh   <APP>  <ARGS...>    -- execute APP
      .\script\xponents-demo.bat  exists as well for Windows/DOS.
      The underlying Xponents.groovy script is Groovy 2.4. Enjoy.

For example try the XCoord coordinate extraction on provided test data:

  ./script/xponents-demo.sh   xcoord -t ./test/Coord_Patterns_Truth_Text.txt

Try geotemp on ANY standard document (TXT, PDF, DOCX, DOC, etc):

   mkdir ./output
   ./script/xponents-demo.sh geotemp -i  $HOME/data/my-goodies/  -o ./output -f GeoCSV

   # Alternative, GIS formats for -f FORMAT include GDB, Shapefile, KML, and CSV
   # GeoCSV format is a CSV that captures only items with lat/lon geocodings
   # CSV format will capture all tagger output geocoded or not.

Xponents demonstrations reside here: Examples/src/main/java/org/opensextant/examples/ or in ./src/test/java/. The main Java source is intended to be the official API, free of runtime decisions. This set of demonstrations demonstrates how to use various APIs. Significant Java examples include:

Other Items

Additionally, these other scripts or mechanisms exist: