
Geographic Place, Date/time, and Pattern entity extraction toolkit along with text extraction from unstructured data and GIS outputters.

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Gazetteer Tasks: Using Xponents SDK to lookup place names.

This is a demonstration of the APIs and techniques that support adhoc lookups, structured or unstructured. All of this is a work in progress. We cover first the Java version of some query tools, and then the Python version.

Java Demonstration


usage: org.opensextant.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery [-g] [-h] [-l <arg>] [-p]

 -g,--geotag         Geotag as unstructured text
 -l,--lookup <arg>   Phrase to lookup (required)
 -p,--parse          Parse first.

# The Xponents Solr index to use is the "solr6" folder in the
# full gazetteer distribution.  That is, in the release there is more than just solr 

java -classpath  etc/*:dist/*:lib/* -Dopensextant.solr=$XPONENTS_SOLR -Xmx300m -Xms300m  \
  -Dlogback.configurationFile=./etc/logback.xml  \
   org.opensextant.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery  --lookup "San Francisco, CA, USA"  


Please use the provided ./script/xponents-demo.sh groovy wrapper as a model for how to run Xponents applications in general. Here are some pointers:


  java ...XponentsGazetteerQuery --lookup "San Francisco" 

  /* Try parsing the given lookup as-is.  You get possibly 100s of matches -- it is not 
   * up to the API to choose which.
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - NAME straight lookup: 'San Francisco'
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - =============================
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	first 10...
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (59, PH, ADM2)
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (21, PH, ADM2)
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (H2, PH, ADM2)
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (03, PH, ADM2)
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (N3, PH, ADM2)
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (08, SV, ADM2)
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (08, SV, ADM3)
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (06, US, ADMD)
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (33, CO, ADM2)

  java ...XponentsGazetteerQuery --lookup "San Francisco, CA, USA" -parse

  /* This assumes a simple format of CITY, PROV, COUNTRY
   * See source code for details, as your parsing may differ.
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - NAME parsed, then various lookups
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - =============================
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco (06, US, PPL) @ (37.7750,-122.4194)


  java ...XponentsGazetteerQuery --lookup "San Francisco, CA, USA" --geotag

  /* This takes in the text as a blob of phrases and tries to find best possible matches.
   * Geocoding what it can.

INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - TEXT BLOB geotagged and all findings listed.
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - =============================
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	Francisco, Not a place. Type=taxon
INFO  o.o.examples.XponentsGazetteerQuery - 	San Francisco, Geocoded to San Francisco (06, US, PPL), score=8.18

A Python alternative

Less code. But this demonstration is not as complete as the Java one. Again, we are just demonstrating some possibilities with the APIs. Here the Solr server will be running and we use pysolr to RESTfully query the gazetteer. (Above, the Java API was using an internal Solr server.)

  1. Install the Opensextant python lib.
   cd ./python/
   python3 ./setup.py sdist 

   # Or just install distribution:
   pip3 install --target $XPT/piplib ./dist/opensextant-1.x.x.tar.gz 

   # Set path
   export PYTHONPATH=$XPT/piplib

  1. Run the Solr server, cd ./solr; mysolr.sh start 7000

  2. Run the demo script, python3 -m opensextant.gazetteer

python3 -m opensextant.gazetteer  --solr http://localhost:7000/solr/gazetteer --lookup "San Francisco, CA, US"  --parse

FOUND 10. Showing top 25
San Francisco (USGS273473), US, 34.4069, -118.6120
City of San Francisco (USGS2411786), US, 37.7782, -122.4425
San Francisco County (USGS277302), US, 37.7782, -122.4425
San Francisco Division (USGS1935284), US, 37.7782, -122.4425
South San Francisco Division (USGS1935322), US, 37.6450, -122.4120
Rancho San Francisco (USGS273473), US, 34.4069, -118.6120
S. San Francisco Division (USGS1935322), US, 37.6450, -122.4120
City of South San Francisco (USGS2411942), US, 37.6527, -122.3434
San Francisco De Las Llagas (USGS234626), US, 37.0741, -121.6227
Rancho San Francisco de las Llagas (USGS234626), US, 37.0741, -121.6227