
Geographic Place, Date/time, and Pattern entity extraction toolkit along with text extraction from unstructured data and GIS outputters.

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Gazetteer ETL Production Report & API Usage

This report contains some of the basic techniques for reporting and validating the contents of the master gazetteer. Not all of these will work on subset databases or partial master gazetteers.

Thank you, The Management.


USA NGA Geographic Names Database: is cited as the following as accessed from https://geonames.nga.mil/geonames/GNSHome/index.html

Toponymic information is based on the Geographic Names Database, containing
official standard names approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names and maintained by the
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. More information is available at the Resources link at http://www.nga.mil.
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency name, initials, and seal are protected by 10 United States Code § Section 425.

Geonames.org: Content referenced simply as “Geonames” or “Geonames.org” refers to the content from https://www.geonames.org/, which provides this licensing message:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License,
see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
The Data is provided "as is" without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness.

Natural Earth Data: Opensextant Gazetteer contains data “Made with Natural Earth”, NE Logo Natural Earth Terms of Use

HumData Exchange: Sources such as the Pakistan Admin-Level-3 gazetteer come from HumData (HDX) at https://data.humdata.org/dataset/cod-ab-pak. Other sources to follow

OpenSextant Metadata: Derived mappings for aligning administrative boundary codings are cached from various builds of OpenSextant to support the internal data model. In 2022 the NGA gazetteer was revamped entirely to use ISO alphabetic boundary codings entirely replacing their use of FIPS/ISO numeric codings. These project sources help glue together the critical administrative boundary hierarchy:

   ISO     FIPS
   US.MA == US.25 == Massachussetts
   ISO      FIPS
   KE.01 == KE.10 == Baringo
   Reference: http://www.statoids.com/uke.html

Furthermore standards usage is not consistent: Geonames uses a mix of FIPS and ISO accordingt to http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/readme.txt. Countries US, CH, BE, ME are represented as ISO ADM1 coding.

Sources and Standards

As of Xponents v3.5 FIPS (aka FIPS 10-4, or US GEC, etc) was the primary internal standard. For Xponents v3.6 ISO 3166 will be the primary standard for ADM1 coding. Here’s a summary of standards in use by sources:

Library Details

The Python API opensextant.gazetteer will be demonstrated later in this document. That will help with these high-level coverage reports, but more importantly show you how to integrate the API with the SQLite database into your pipeline.

The “USA & Territory Report” is just an exemplar report for commonly requested data.

USA & Territory Report

This section reports on the coverage for USA and territories Puerto Rico (PR), Outlying Minor Islands (UM), and US Virgin Islands (VI). The SQL criteria to get this subset is:

... and cc in ('US', 'PR', 'UM', 'VI')

There are MANY names for a given location or feature. A “Name” or a “named place” is a single entry in the gazetteer. Distinct locations are designated by a unique “place ID”. Across naming systems and data sources, still multiple place IDs may refer to the same physical location.

Let’s break this down into primarily administrative boundaries, cities, and then other.

Administrative Counts:

City Count:

Postal Count:

The SQL statements below (which have equivalent means in the Python API) represent how the above numbers were accomplished. ((Yes, the cc in (...) would be required, but is omitted here for clarity.))

Review the Data Model Reference below if you have questions about the SQL mechanics. A more detailed schema is listed in Source_Schema_Notes

    // Names & Location counts for "Province-level boundaries (Level-1 aka 'ADM1')"
    /* LIST */ 
    select * from placenames where feat_class = 'A' and feat_code = 'ADM1' 
      and name_group = '' and name_type = 'N';
    /* COUNT NAMES */
    select count(1) from placenames where feat_class = 'A' and feat_code = 'ADM1'  
      and name_group = '' and name_type = 'N' ;
    // COUNT: 4981
    select count(distinct(place_id)) from placenames where feat_class = 'A' and feat_code = 'ADM1' 
      and name_group = '' and name_type = 'N' ;
    // COUNT: 143
    // Names & Location counts for "Populated Places" ~ cities, towns, villages, etc.
    /* LIST */
    select * from placenames where feat_class = 'P' and feat_code in ('PPL', 'PPLC') and name_group = '' and name_type = 'N' ;
    /* COUNT NAMES */
    select count(1) from placenames where feat_class = 'P' and feat_code in ('PPL', 'PPLC') 
      and name_group = '' and name_type = 'N';
    // COUNT: 292559
    /* DISTINCT LOCATION COUNT (by place_id): */
    select count(distinct(place_id)) from placenames where feat_class = 'P' and feat_code in ('PPL', 'PPLC') 
      and name_group = '' and name_type = 'N' ;
    // COUNT: 227782
    // POSTAL CODES for US+ coverage.  NOTE:  Use the "postal_gazetteer.sqlite"
    select count(1) from placenames where feat_class = 'A' and feat_code = 'POST';
    // COUNT: 41676

General Data Model Reference

Consider some basic nomenclature and conventions for the SQL data model in the gazetteer:

Opensextant Gazetteer Python API

OpenSextant provides a simple API to access a variety of types of geographic data and related stuff. The major types include:

See the basic reference data in action here, which are demonstrated in the python test package under python/test/test_gazetteer_api.py

from opensextant import load_major_cities, load_countries, get_country, load_us_provinces, load_provinces

# A list of countries:
data = load_countries()
print("API country list length:", len(data))

# Or look up by country code in ISO, FIPS or by name.
print("country: ", get_country("FR"))

# List major cities ~ according to Geonames.org:
data = load_major_cities()

# List major provinces worldwide accordingt to Geonames.org, USGS, and other sources.
# returns a dict { 'CC.ADM': Place() obj, ...}
data = load_provinces()

# List US States 
# returns a list of Place() obj
data = load_us_provinces()

Breaking away from the high-level reference data, let’s get into the full, master gazetteer using opensextant.gazetteer.DB

from opensextant.gazetteer import DB, get_default_db

# cd ./Xponents/solr,  and then get_default_db() works as it is a relative path.
# Otherwise use DB(dbfile) where dbfile is the path to your SQLite file.
db = DB(get_default_db())
names = db.list_admin_names()

# Some place in the USA -- This is a completely random location choice.
lat, lon = (44.321, -89.765)
for dist, geo in db.list_places_at(lat=lat, lon=lon):
    print("Distance", dist, "Place:", geo)

## Results are:

DISTANCE in meters from the given lat, lon
GEO object is opensextant.Place

Distance 930 Place: Saratoga Church (historical), US @(44.31302,-89.76151)
Distance 1724 Place: Pioneer Cemetery, US @(44.3364877,-89.7643131)
Distance 1741 Place: Pioneer Cemetery, US @(44.33663,-89.76401)
Distance 1771 Place: Church of God, US @(44.31386,-89.74512)
Distance 1800 Place: Mckinley School (historical), US @(44.3133,-89.74512)
Distance 3674 Place: Columbia School (historical), US @(44.31413,-89.81012)
Distance 3976 Place: Bloody Run, US @(44.3433,-89.80401)
Distance 4123 Place: Fourmile Creek, US @(44.3474659,-89.801235)
Distance 4124 Place: Four Mile Creek, US @(44.34747,-89.80124)

# Python
# I think you get the picture.
lat, lon = (55.321, 27.765)
for dist, geo in db.list_places_at(lat=lat, lon=lon):
    print("Distance", dist, "Place:", geo)

Distance 371 Place: Luchayka, BY @(55.323,27.7697)
Distance 904 Place: Заборцы, BY @(55.3135,27.7705)
Distance 2317 Place: Дылевичи, BY @(55.3007,27.7731)
Distance 2439 Place: Sosnuvka, BY @(55.3,27.754)
Distance 2795 Place: Летники, BY @(55.3446,27.7499)
Distance 3029 Place: Gasperovshhina, BY @(55.3144,27.7186)
Distance 3310 Place: Кравцы, BY @(55.3492,27.7484)
Distance 3477 Place: Барсуки, BY @(55.343,27.726)
Distance 3492 Place: Soroki, BY @(55.3233,27.71)
Distance 3762 Place: Las'kiye, BY @(55.2872,27.7643)