All Classes and Interfaces

FlexPat Extractor -- given a set of pattern families, extract, filter and normalize matches.
Abstract class encapsulating basic results formatter functionality.
Abstract class encapsulating basic results formatter functionality without prescribing schema
An annotation is at least a typed name/value pair created by something.
Basis for this optional helper class was three or four different projects using DeepEye as a model for persisting annotations from the typical Named Entity and Geo/Time extraction work.
Generic OpenSextant Configuration Exception
Country metadata provided on this class includes: ISO-3166 country code 2-char and 3-char forms, aligned with US standard FIPS 10-4 codes Country aliases: nick names, variant names, abbreviations Affiliated territories Timezone and UTC offset for temporal calculations Primary and Secondary languages
Alternative to CSVFormatter which is schema-specific and a bit rigid.
A simplistic way to capture resolution of the date/time reference.
A base class for Record, Annotation and other structures.
Exception used when there is a user or system error related to data serialization or any sort of Java object - to JSONification error.
DeepEyeStore is an abstraction of a data store that stores records and annotations.
DMS Filters include ignoring these patterns: dd-dd-dd HH:MM:ss (where dd-dd-dd HH-MM-ss would be a valid coordinate as the field separators for lat/lon are the same).
DMSOrdinate represents all the various fields a WGS84 cartesian coordinate could have.
Resolution field for
Use only for cases where you have document inputs instead of raw records.
An exception to be thrown when place name matching goes awry.
This is a holder for tracking various common measures: No.
For now, this interface is closer to an AbstractExtractor where a clean interface might be output = Extractor.extract(input) This interface specifies more
A results formatter for FileGDB output.
An intermediary between the simple LatLon and other conceptual classes: Place, Country, etc.
An interface that describes any data that can be geocoded -- the metadata behind deriving location is as important as the actual location is.
GeocoordMatch holds all the annotation data for the actual raw and normalized coordinate.
Filtering matches is a matter of practicality.
A results formatter for shapefile output.
A collection of geodetic routines used within OpenSextant.
This is the base class for classes that convert document annotations to GISCore features.
Represent a Hemisphere symbol and value.
A formatter for KML output that uses GISCore API.
Wrapper around cybozu labs langdetect.
Simple mapping of ISO 639 id to display name for languages
The Class MatchFilter.
Improving control over Xponents schema fields and common, constant values.
Micro Message is the basis for any sort microblog message, SMS, or tweet or other social media post.
MGRS Filters include ignoring these patterns: 1234 123456 12345678 1234567890 Recent calendar dates of the form ddMMMyyyy, "14DEC1990" (MGRS: 14D EC 19 90 Recent calendar dates with time, ddMMHHmm, "14DEC1200" Noon on 14DEC.
GISCore-based output schema.
This is the culmination of various coordinate extraction efforts in python and Java.
Place class represents all the metadata about a location.
A record is a representation of the raw original.
This is the culmination of various date/time extraction efforts in python and Java.
Interface for classes that generate output from corpora that have been processed by OpenSextant.
Abstract class encapsulating basic results formatter functionality.
A results formatter for shapefile output.
A Taxon is an entry in a taxonomy, which could be as simple as a flat word list or something with lots of structure.
A very simple struct to hold data useful for post-processing entities once found.
TextInput is a unit of data -- a tuple that represents the text and its language and an identifier for downstream processing, export formatting, databasing results keyed by text identifier, etc.
A variation on TextEntity that also records pattern metadata
This result class holds all the results for a given text block.
A formatter for WKT output.
Use this XCoord class for both test and development of patterns, as well as to extract coordinates at runtime.
Date/Time pattern extractor -- detects, parses, normalizes dates.
A Group of Xponent Extractors.